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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mrs. McKesson: Stern, But Effective & Mr. Steele: Inspirational

Calvin, I was only at Douglass from grade two to five, but I guess my favorite teacher at the time was Mrs. McKesson. I remember coming home every day telling Brenda and Charles about something we did in her class, or that she did in her class. She was very stern as I remember, but you really learned something (short division and long division). I was so proud once I got the hang of that stuff..

I also have burned in my memory Mr. Dobbins coming on the PA system informing us that Mr. Deering who was home sick that day, calling in to tell us that President Kennedy had been shot in Dallas and how Mr. Steele went to the auditorium and began playing softly over the PA system, as it was a really sad time in our history.. My mother cried for a solid week after that.

Thanks for the Memories..

Katherine Huff Blume