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Monday, April 2, 2007

Previous Posts

Previous Teacher Memories can be seen by clicking the "Older Posts" link below.

Mr. Young Could Draw You In; Mrs. Owens' Intuition; Mr. Baylor's Math Wizardry; Mrs. Shannon's Advice; Mrs. Cox's Musical Intuitiveness

To Douglass Alumni:

I remember walking down the hall one day when I heard Mr. Young (first row, left) teaching one of his classes. The subject was William Shakespeare. That man had a way of drawing you into what ever era he was lecturing on. I have been in love with Shakespeare every since that day.

Mrs. Luellen Owens-Wagner (first row, center) also sparked my interest in actually reading an entire book with all the book reports she had us do. I couldn’t figure it out at the time, but she had a way of knowing if you had read the book or not.

I didn’t have Mr. Baylor (first row, right) as a teacher, but I could always go to him when I needed extra tutoring in math. It surprised him that I wasn’t as smart in math as my sister Joy was.

Then there was Mrs. Shannon (second row, teaching). I could never forget her. She always had advice about anything from buying groceries to buying a car.

Lastly, Mrs. Cora Cox (second right, right).. she introduced me to exercising with music, which I still do on very rare occasions. Although I have only mentioned five, all of my teachers contributed to my academic and cultural experience at Douglass.

Virginia (Jenny) Hankins